Have you ever realized that Hong Kong skyscrapers have holes in them? It’s part of a belief system called feng shui. Buildings with bad feng shui, such as the Bank of China Tower, have been blamed for surrounding companies going out of business. Following is a transcript of the video.
Why do Hong Kong skyscrapers have holes? These are dragon gates. They allow dragons to fly from the mountains to the water. This is all according to feng shui. Feng Shui is a Chinese system for positioning buildings and objects in a way that agrees with spiritual forces.
Dragons are believed to be bearers of good fortune. Blocking the dragon’s path could bring misfortune. The Bank of China Tower’s poor feng shui is blamed for nearby companies going out of business. Today, corporations set aside money for feng shui consultation.
Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-why-hong-kong-skyscrapers-have-holes-feng-shui-2017-3?fbclid=IwAR0kVBYjU76K94v1NIuafW0Qz9CagNvNBq3JqDDSKCv6_ItRudXljAup28k
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