Thứ sáu, Tháng hai 7, 2025
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Legend of the Kitchen God

[Reading level: B2 – Upper Intermediate]

Vietnamese people always value the true essence of cultural traditions passed on from our ancestors. Before the Lunar New Year, people across the country celebrate the Kitchen Gods’ Day (Tet Tao Quan) on the 23rd of the last month according to Lunar Calendar.


Once upon a time, there is a couple, Trong Cao and his wife Thi Nhi who are married for many years but have no children. One day, they quarrel over some trivial matter, and the husband, in a fit of anger, beats and throws his wife out of their home. Although Thị Nhi still loves her husband, she has no choice but to go away.


Thi Nhi goes far away and meets a very kind man called Pham Lang. He marries her and he loves Thị Nhi very much. Their life is happy and peaceful but Thi Nhi cannot forget her first love.


As for Trong Cao, he had been filled with remorse from the day he sends his wife away. He waits, and waits hopelessly for his wife’s return. Eventually, he decides to set out from his home to search for Thi Nhi.


He travels far and wide, but he cannot find his wife. His food runs out and he has to beg for his meals. One day, starving and thirsty, he knocks on the door of a house to ask for food. He is shocked when he recognizes his former wife. The sudden appearance of Trong Cao deeply moved Thi Nhi, and she invites him inside and gives him a good meal. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. It’s Pham Lang returning. The thought of being discovered with her former husband sends Thi Nhi into a panic. She hides Trong Cao under a stack of straw.


Unfortunately, Phạm Lang sets fire to the straw because he needs ashes to fertilize his field. As the flames spreads out, Trọng Cao accepts his fate to be burnt to death to protect Thi Nhi’s virtue. Thi Nhi is distraught because her love for Trong Cao causes his death. Thi Nhi can neither save Trong Cao from the fire nor tell her husband. She has no choice but to throw herself into the flames.


Pham Lang cannot understand why his wife kills herself. Filled with sorrow, he jumps into the burning fire and dies with his loving wife.


The Jade Emperor in the heavens knows the sad story. He is so moved by their devotion and deep love that he decides to help them to live together forever. Using his magic, he changes them into the three hearthstones around the cooking fire, where they become Kitchen Gods.


Ever since, the three Kitchen Gods are responsible for taking care of all household affairs. Each year, on the 23rd of the last month of the lunar year, the Kitchen Gods leave the kitchen, they are seen off by the owner of the house and ride on a carp to the heavens to give a report on each family’s doings. Then they return on the Eve of the first day of the Lunar year.


Today, the three prongs of a primitive stove are known as the Kitchen Gods. The family worship them right at the kitchen daily or monthly. To Vietnamese people, the kitchen is a very important place that brings everybody in the family together as well as keeps the warmth, harmony and happiness of the family. On 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the family holds a small ceremony at home with certain offerings including three elaborate paper headpieces, sticky rice, chicken, flowers and three sticks of incense to see off the Kitchen Gods them to the heavens to make their reports to the Jade Emperor.




essence /ˈes.əns/ [C2] (n): tinh hoa

pass on sth (v): truyền lại cái gì

ancestor /ˈæər/ [B2] (n): ông cha

once upon a time (expression): ngày xửa ngày xưa

quarrel /ˈkwɒr.əl/ [B2] (v): cãi nhau

trivial /ˈtrɪv.i.əl/ [B2] (adj): nhỏ nhặt

in a fit of anger (expression): trong cơn tức giận

remorse /rɪˈmɔːs/ [C2[ (n – formal): sự hối hận

set out (v): khởi hành

far and wide (adv):  khắp nơi

starving /ˈstɑː.vɪŋ/ [B2[ (adj): đói

former /ˈfɔː.mər/ [B1] (adj): cựu, cũ

send sb into a panic /ˈpæn.ɪk/ [B2] (expression): khiến ai đó hoảng sợ

stack /stæk/ (n): đống

straw /strɔː/ (n): rơm

ash /æʃ/ (n): tro

fertilize /ˈfɜː.tɪ.laɪz/ (n): bón phân

fate /feɪt/ [B2] (n): số phận

virtue /ˈvɜː.tʃuː/ [C2] (n): phẩm hạnh

distraught  /dɪˈstrɔːt/ (adj): quẫn trí

sorrow /ˈsɒr.əʊ/ [C2] (n): đau khổ

the Jade Emperor /dʒeɪd ˈem.pər.ər/ (n): Ngọc Hoàng

devotion /dɪˈvəʊ.ʃən/ (n): sự tận tâm

affair /əˈfeər/ [B2] (n): công việc

see off sb [B2] (v): tiễn đưa ai đó

carp /kɑːp/ (n): cá chép

prong /prɒŋ/ (n): cái ngạnh

primitive /ˈprɪm.ɪ.tɪv/ [C1] (adj): sơ khai

worship /ˈwɜː.ʃɪp/ [C1] (v): thờ cúng

warmth /wɔːmθ/ [B2] (n): sự đầm ấm, ấm cúng

offering /ˈɒf.ər.ɪŋ/ (n): lễ vật

elaborate /iˈlæb.ər.ət/ [C2] (adj): cầu kỳ

headpiece (n): vật trang trí trên đầu

incense /ˈɪn.sens/ (n): hương


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Nội dung chuyển tiền: Ủng hộ Read to Lead



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