Thứ sáu, Tháng hai 7, 2025
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HomeLISTENING Four of the world’s deadliest venomous

[MP3] Four of the world’s deadliest venomous

You’ve been bitten! And, uh-oh, it’s venomous. How long have you got? Well, that depends on a few factors, including the potency, dose delivered, and speed of distribution. Turns out, not all venoms act the same way. Here are the animals with the fastest acting venom on earth.


Sydney Funnel-web Spider

First up, spiders. There are around 40,000 species of spider and most are venomous. But, thankfully, only a handful pose a threat to humans, including Sydney Funnel-web Spider. It’s venom is 60 times as potent as cyanide and can kill a human in one or two hours. The venom attacks the nervous system, kicking it into overdrive until, ultimately, it shuts down.


Of course, spiders aren’t the only venomous animals in Australia. It’s home to 20 of the world’s 25 deadliest snakes, including the Eastern Brown Snake, which is responsible for the most snakebite deaths in the country. Its venom is 8,000 times stronger than cyanide and can kill a human in about one hour. Its venom also attacks the central nervous system but, this time, it slows everything down. And, to top it off, the venom has a coagulant that cause the blood in your veins to arteries to clot.


Between the two, it’s not a good way to go. Now, at this point, you might consider switching your Australian safari to a scuba dive, just to be on the safe side. But, venomous animals live in Australian waters, too, like the Blue-ringed Octopus. It’s venom is 1,000 times more toxic than cyanide and it’ll bring down a human in just 20 to 40 minutes. Bacteria in its saliva makes an extremely potent neurotoxin, which paralyzes your muscles. And, once that paralysis hits your diaphragm and ribs muscles, you have only a few minutes before you suffocate to death.


But another marine animal is even deadlier. The fastest acting venom on earth belongs to the Australian Box Jellyfish, or Sea Wasp. It’s not the most potent venom out there at 2,000 times stronger than cyanide, but encounter one of these guys and you’ll be dead in 15 minutes. That’s because the tentacles are covered with tiny, venom loaded darts called nematocysts, which shoot heart-stopping toxin into the body wherever they make contact.


All of this sounds pretty scary but, remember, you’re less likely to die by venomous spider than by car crashes and infection, or disease. And, it’s not like these animals are after you anyway. They’d just as well prefer that you stick to your own habitat. But, still, be smart, be respectful, be safe.




venom /ˈvenəm/ (n): chất độc

venomous /ˈvenəməs/ (adj): có độc

potency /ˈpəʊ.tə (n): hiệu lực

potent /ˈpəʊ.tənt/ (adj): mạnh, hiệu quả

dose /dəʊs/ [B2] (n): liều lượng

pose a threat to sb/sth (v): đe dọa tới ai/cái gì

cyanide /ˈsaɪə.naɪd/ (n): xyanua – một loạt chất kịch độc có thể giết chết 1 người trong vòng 3 giờ đồng hồ

overdrive (n, v): hoạt động quá nhanh

To top if off (expression): cụ thể là

coagulant /kəʊˈæɡ.jə.lənt/ (hay coagulator) (n): chất làm đông

vein /veɪn/ (n): tĩnh mạch

artery /ˈɑː.tər.i/ (n): động mạch

clot /klɒt/ (v): đông lại, hình thành cục máu đông

safari /səˈfɑː.ri/ (n): chuyến đi (có kế hoạch)

bring down (v): hạ gục

saliva /səˈlaɪ.və/ (n): nước bọt

neurotoxin (n): chất độc thần kinh

paralyze /ˈpær.əl.aɪz/ làm tê liệt

diaphragm /ˈdaɪ.ə.fræm/ (n): cơ hoành (phần cơ giúp tách biệt phần ngực với phần thân dưới của cơ thể)

rib /rɪb/ (n): xương sườn

suffocate /ˈsʌf.ə.keɪt/ (v): nghẹt thở

encounter /ɪnˈkaʊn.tər/ (v): gặp phải, đối mặt

tentacle /ˈten.tə.kəl/ (n): xúc tu

dart /dɑːt/ (n): gai, phi tiêu

respectful /rɪˈspekt.fəl/ [C1] (adj): biết tôn trọng


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