No one knows exactly how life on earth emerged, but what we do know is that at some point primitive cells living in the ocean began using the sun’s energy to power life-giving chemical reactions. These cells formed a bridge between earth, and sun.
Delicate engines which harness the fires of our star using sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into food. This process known as photosynthesis, unleash the sun’s creative power, and drove the evolution of complexity from primitive bacteria to plants, and trees, and ultimately to you and me.
“Now photosynthesis is a process that’s very easy to describe in words. The plants take energy from the sun and use it to react carbon dioxide and water together to make sugars, and a waste product, oxygen. It’s really easy to say, very difficult to do. I mean, there’s a part of that photosynthetic machinery. Everything you see here, every plant on the planet called photosystem too. It’s comprised of 46,630 atoms all working together in an intricate machine, very efficient. It took billions of years of the evolution. Then we eat the plants, or we eat something that’s eaten the plants, and we do the reverse reaction. We take those sugars, and we breathe in that waste product, oxygen, react them together release a bit of energy, a bit of the stored sunlight if you like, and we use that energy to maintain our structure to grow, to live.”
primitive /ˈprɪm.ə.t̬ɪv/ [C1] (n): nguyên thủy, nguyên sơ
cell /sel/ [B2] (n): tế bào
harness /ˈhɑːr.nəs/ (v): khai thác, điều khiển
photosynthesis /ˌfoʊ.t̬oʊˈsɪn.θə.sɪs/: quá trình quang hợp
comprised of /kəmˈpraɪz/ [C1]: bao gồm
intricate /ˈɪn.trə.kət/ (adj): phức tạp
atom /ˈæt̬.əm/ [B2] (n): nguyên tử
evolution /ˌev.əˈluː.ʃən/ [B2] (n): sự tiến hóa
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