[Reading level: B2 – Upper Intermediate]
Sweden’s new government named on Tuesday a 26-year-old as climate minister, the youngest person to lead a ministry.
The nomination was among the cabinet members presented by newly elected Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, who leads a right-wing coalition that is shored up by the far-right Sweden Democrats.
Romina Pourmokhtari, 26, was until now head of the Liberal party’s youth wing, and has not been known to have climate as her political profile.
The young minister has in the past been an outspoken critic of Kristersson’s move to closer align his party with the Sweden Democrats (SD).
Born into a family of Iranian origin in the suburbs of Stockholm, the young woman beat the previous record of 27 years old for youngest minister.
Sweden’s coalition government was announced on Friday after Kristersson penned a deal with his partners and the nationalist and anti-immigration SD which pledged to support the government in exchange for policy commitments, especially on immigration and crime.
Source: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202210/1277414.shtml
minister /ˈmɪn.ɪ.stər/ [B2] (n): bộ trưởng
nomination /ˌnɒm.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ [C1] (n): đề cử
cabinet /ˈkæb.ɪ.nət/ (n): nội các
(the) right-wing /ˌraɪt ˈwɪŋ/ (adj, n): cánh hữu (chính trị)
coalition /kəʊ.əˈlɪʃ.ən/ (n): liên minh
shore up sth /ʃɔːr/ (v): chống đỡ (bằng cột), hỗ trợ
far-right (adj): cực hữu
head /hed/ [B1] (n): người đứng đầu
outspoken /ˌaʊtˈspəʊ.kən/ (adj): thẳng thắn
critic /ˈkrɪt.ɪk/ [B2] (n): người chỉ trích
move (n): động thái
align sth with sth /əˈlaɪn/ (v): gắn kết cái gì với cái gì
announce /əˈnaʊns/ [B1] (v): công bố
pen a deal with sb (v): ký thỏa thuận với ai
nationalist /ˈnæʃ.ən.əl.ɪst/ (adj): dân tộc chủ nghĩa
pledge to do sth /pledʒ/ (v): cam kết làm gì
in exchange for sth (pre): để đổi lấy cái gì
immigration /ˌɪm.ɪˈɡreɪ.ʃən/ [B2] (n): nhập cư
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