[Reading level: B2 – Upper Intermediate]
The U.S. has removed Vietnam from the list of economies it considers currency manipulators, reversing a decision made by the Trump administration in December.
Its Treasury Department said Friday that no economy currently meets the U.S.’s criteria to be labeled manipulators, but warned that Vietnam, Switzerland and Taiwan would be under enhanced monitoring, according to newswire AP.
There is insufficient evidence to conclude they are manipulating their exchange rates, Reuters quoted it as saying.
A country is labeled a currency manipulator if it sells its currency and buys U.S. dollars to depreciate the former to benefit its exports.
“For calendar year 2020, we have not made a finding regarding the manipulation designation,” a department official told reporters.
Vietnam had last December rejected the U.S.’s currency manipulator allegations, reiterating that its monetary policies do not target unfair trade advantages, and that it would continue to work with the U.S. to ensure a “harmonious and fair” trade relationship.
The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) said Saturday that Vietnam’s monetary policies in recent years have only sought to control inflation and ensure economic stability, and not derive unfair trade advantages.
It said it has been working to increase exchange rate flexibility, resulting in improvements in the foreign currency market, and these efforts have been acknowledged by the U.S. Treasury Department.
Truong Van Phuoc, former chairman of the National Financial Supervisory Commission, told VnExpress that the U.S. Treasury’s lifting of the label could make Vietnam more confident in its trade and monetary policies.
Source: https://e.vnexpress.net/news/business/economy/us-removes-vietnam-from-currency-manipulator-list-4264278.html?fbclid=IwAR38MXgtW1CYMlz4mUePOVjF3QOHFV1dxOVNxRopQE2hf5D6qtve7hUL6TI
currency /ˈkʌr.ən.si/ [B1] (n): tiền tệ
manipulator /məˈnɪp.jə.leɪ.tər/ (n): kẻ thao túng
reverse /rɪˈvɜːs/ [C1] (v): đảo ngược
criteria /kraɪˈtɪə.ri.ə/ (n): tiêu chí
label /ˈleɪ.bəl/ [C2] (v): dán nhãn, gắn mác
insufficient /ˌɪn.səˈfɪʃ.ənt/ [C1] (adj): không đủ
exchange rate /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ˌreɪt/ [B1] (n): tỷ giá hối đoái
depreciate /dɪˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/ (v): làm giảm giá đồng tiền
the former /ˈfɔː.mər/ [B2] (n): đối tượng được nhắc đến trước
allegation /ˌæl.əˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ [C1] (n – formal): lời cáo buộc
reiterate /riˈɪt.ər.eɪt/ (v – formal): nhắc lại
harmonious /hɑːˈməʊ.ni.əs/ (adj): hài hòa
inflation /ɪnˈfleɪ.ʃən/ [B2] (n): lạm phát
derive sth from sth /dɪˈraɪv/ [C1] (v): tạo ra cho mình cái gì từ cái gì
flexibility /ˌflek.səˈbɪl.ə.ti/ [B2] (n): tính linh hoạt
acknowledge /əkˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/ [C1] (v): thừa nhận
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Very informative, thank you so much <3
You’re warmly welcome ^^