Thứ sáu, Tháng hai 7, 2025
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HomeDiscoveryWatch how SpaceX salvages its $40 million rockets for reuse

Watch how SpaceX salvages its $40 million rockets for reuse

In just one year, SpaceX has made rocket landings routine. But we must not forget that this is a giant step toward reusable rockets and a new era of affordable space flight. Michael Wagner with USLaunchReport chronicles the historic return of many of these used rockets and posts them on the USLaunchReport’s YouTube channel. Following is a transcript of the video.


How SpaceX salvages $40 million rockets.


Here’s a sight you don’t see every day. A 14-ton rocket dangling in mid-air. This is one of SpaceX’s first stage Falcon 9 rockets. It launched out of Kennedy Space Center on Oct. 11.


This is what it looked like before launch. Space travel certainly takes a toll. The rocket is about 230 feet tall, a behemoth compared to the humans in charge of retrieving it.


Since its first successful rocket landing in Dec. 2015, SpaceX has performed 19 successful rocket landings. So far, SpaceX has relaunched two of its used rockets.


It’s unclear when, or if, this rocket will fly again. For now, it will join its sisters on SpaceX’s Florida base.




routine /ruːˈtiːn/ [B1] (n): việc thường ngày

affordable /əˈfɔː.də.bəl/ (adj): (giá cả) phải chăng

chronicle /ˈkrɒn.ɪ.kəl/ (v): ghi lại

salvage /ˈsæl.vɪdʒ/ (v): trục vớt

dangle /ˈdæŋ.ɡəl/ (v): treo lơ lửng

take a toll (v): gây ra thiệt hại

behemoth /bɪˈhiː.mɒθ/ (n): người khổng lồ, thứ khổng lồ, quái vật

in charge of (pre): chịu trách nhiệm

retrieve /rɪˈtriːv/ [C2] (v): lấy về, thu hồi


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