[Reading level: B1 – Intermediate]
The entirety of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest tower in the world, in Dubai of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) appeared brilliantly lit up by the Vietnamese national flag on the night of September 2.
The image was captioned with a congratulatory message to the country on its National Day, with the short message saying, “We wish the people of Vietnam growth and success.”
According to a statement made by the embassy of the UAE in Vietnam, the act of projecting the Vietnamese national flag on the 160-floor Burj Khalifa, which stands at a total of 828 metres, is done in order to show the UAE government’s respect to the special partner.

This year marks the 27th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the country and the UAE after they first began in 1993. Indeed, sine then the UAE has developed into the nation’s largest trade partner in the Middle East and Africa.
Furthermore, the country can be considered to be the leading gateway for the UAE in which it can penetrate into the ASEAN market of 600 million people.
Source: https://vietnamnet.vn/en/politics/world-s-tallest-tower-features-vietnamese-flag-to-mark-national-day-671388.html
brilliantly /ˈbrɪl.jənt.li/ [B2] (adv): rực rỡ
congratulatory /kənˌɡrætʃ.əˈleɪ.tər.i/ (adj): mang tính chúc mừng
embassy /ˈem.bə.si/ [B1] (n): đại sứ quán
project /prəˈdʒekt/ (v): trình chiếu
indeed /ɪnˈdiːd/ [B1] (adv): thật vậy
penetrate into /ˈpen.ɪ.treɪt/ (v): thâm nhập vào
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