A country’s Gross National Income, or its GNI, is the sum of all goods and services it produces plus net income received from other countries. It’s closely related to Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, which is the monetary value of all goods and services that a country produces. But GNI adds the net income a country receives from overseas. That income includes the net on compensation, property income and taxes on production and imports.
GNI is the total amount of country actually gets to keep. For example, when an American owned company operating in Canada sends its profits back to the United States, the US’s GNI grows and if a Canadian company operating within the US sends its profits back to Canada, those profits will count toward Canada’s GNI, but not the US’s.
The GNI is quite similar to a country’s Gross National Product (GNP), which counts output from its citizens and companies regardless of where they are located. Usually, a nation’s GNI and GDP are closed since the difference between what a nation receives from abroad negates most of what it pays overseas. But if the profit outflows from foreign countries located within a nation’s borders far exceed the inflows of overseas income, a nation’s GNI can fall far below GDP. For example, Ireland’s GNI was 20% below its GDP in 2011 because the foreign investors that welcomed sent a large chunk of their profits back home. In this case, GNI was a better gauge of what its economy was actually producing. A higher GNI bodes well for a country.
monetary /ˈmʌn.ɪ.tri/ [C2] (adj): thuộc về tiền
compensation /ˌkɒm.penˈseɪ.ʃən/ (n): tiền bồi thường
negate /nɪˈɡeɪt/ (v): phủ định, phủ nhận, làm cho cái gì mất hiệu lực, bù trừ đi cái gì
outflow /ˈaʊt.fləʊ/ (n): dòng chảy ra ngoài
inflow /ˈɪn.fləʊ/ (n): dòng chảy vào trong
exceed /ɪkˈsiːd/ [C1] (v): vượt qua
chunk /tʃʌŋk/ (n – informal): phần của cái gì lớn
gauge /ɡeɪdʒ/ (n, v): thước đo, đo lường
bode /bəʊd/ (v – formal): dự báo
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