Hitting an afternoon slump? If it makes you feel any better, you’re feeling sleepy isn’t because you didn’t get enough sleep last night or you skipped breakfast – though these things can contribute to your post-lunch coma.
We’re sleepy in the afternoon because it’s human nature. Our circadian rhythms usually cause us to experience a dip in energy later in the afternoon. The first dip in energy usually happens when we’re sleeping – between midnight and dawn, so we don’t usually experience it. The second natural dip in our energy happens between 1 and 4 PM – when most people need their energy the most. So, should you sleep in the afternoon when you’re feeling like a walking zombie?
If you take a brief, fifteen to twenty-minute snooze, you’ll be o.k., but sleeping any longer in the mid-afternoon will further interrupt your sleep-wake cycles, causing you to get poor sleep at night, and make your midday slump even worse in the future.
Instead, try taking a short walk to boost your energy. Eat a small snack of plant–protein or a whole piece of fruit. Skip fruit juices and sodas or candy – the typical quick-fix, because these will also interrupt your circadian rhythms, and cause a quick crash after the immediate, but fleeting sugar high you get.
You can also practice a short meditation or take deep breathes for five minutes to boost energy. Just spending time outdoors will also help to reinvigorate you, increasing your levels of Vitamin D and creating feel-good hormones that help you sleep better at night so you’re less tired during the day. Consider taking a picnic lunch to work when you can. Or spend five minutes under a tree instead of checking your email again.
Another great pick-me-up when you’re feeling the weight of sleepiness hang over you like a dark cloud is spirulina or wheatgrass shots. Spirulina is full of iron, and those with a deficiency will tend to get tired more easily. It’s also full of amino acids our bodies need. A single wheatgrass shot contains the same nutrients as you would get from eating an entire kilo of leafy green vegetables. This super-loaded nutrition will boost your mind and body long enough to get you through that afternoon slump.
If you use these tips, you can make it past the afternoon energy dip and make it home for a proper night’s sleep.
Source: Health Chronicle
slump /slʌmp/ (n): cơn uể oải
coma /ˈkəʊ.mə/ (n): cơn hôn mê
circadian rhythm /sɜːˈkeɪ.di.ən ˈrɪð.əm/ (n): nhịp sinh học
dip /dɪp/ (n): mức giảm mạnh
dawn [B2] (n): bình minh
brief /briːf/ [B1] (adj): ngắn
snooze /snuːz/ (n): giấc ngủ ngắn
interrupt /ˌɪn.təˈrʌpt/ [B1] (v): làm gián đoạn
quick-fix /ˌkwɪk ˈfɪks/ (n – informal): giải pháp tạm thời (nhanh nhưng không tốt)
fleeting /ˈfliː.tɪŋ/ (adj): thoáng qua mà bạn nhận được (từ việc tăng đường huyết)
meditation /ˈmed.ɪ.teɪt/ (n): thiền
reinvigorate /ˌriː.ɪnˈvɪɡ.ər.eɪt/ (v): tiếp thêm sinh lực
pick-me-up /ˈpɪk.mi.ʌp/ (n): một điều làm cho một người cảm thấy tràn đầy năng lượng hoặc vui vẻ hơn
spirulina /spɪ.rəˈliː.nə/ (n): tảo xoắn
wheatgrass /ˈwiːt.ɡrɑːs/ (n): cỏ lúa mì
shot /ʃɒt/ (n): một chén nhỏ (thường là đồ uống có cồn)
deficiency /dɪˈfɪʃ.ən.si/ [C1] (n): sự thiếu hụt
amino acid /əˌmiː.nəʊ ˈæs.ɪd/ (n): axit amin
leafy /ˈliː.fi/ (adj): nhiều lá
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