Thứ sáu, Tháng hai 7, 2025
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HomeSorted by levelB2 - Upper IntermediateOranges are not only fruit: the many uses of orange peel

Oranges are not only fruit: the many uses of orange peel

[Reading level: B2 – Upper Intermediate]

Orange peel has a thousand uses, from marmalade and tea to scented firelighters and DIY kitchen spray


I first became aware of the severity of global food waste from Tristram Stuart’s book Waste, in which there are many poignant images, including one of Florida oranges rotting in a barren landscape. It inspired a change in how I cook, and I’ve tried to eliminate my food waste ever since.


Fortunately, the rind and zest of an orange have more practical uses than I can count on my fingers and toes. Here are a few worth trying: make a frugal but tasty marmalade such as the one below; dry the rinds to make scented firelighters; infuse peelings in boiling water with other sweet-smelling ingredients such as rosemary to make an aromatic tea. You can even make an effective DIY antibacterial kitchen spray: chop the peel of four oranges, cover with 350ml boiling water and leave to cool. Add 350ml cider vinegar, leave to leave to infuse for a week, then strain into a spray bottle and use on everything but stone, marble and waxed surfaces.


Spent orange marmalade – mứt cam

 Any orange or lemon peel works in this recipe, and they keep well in the fridge while you stock up enough to make marmalade. In just one hour, this recipe can transform a few orange peelings that would otherwise be wasted into a year’s worth of lovely marmalade. Winter is the best time for eating oranges in the UK, because they’ll most likely come from our neighbours in France or Spain (at other times of the year, they’re imported from farther afield, creating more waste because of the complex logistics of transporting food great distances). Buy organic fruit to avoid inedible fungicides and pesticides, which are used liberally on conventional produce: it may cost more, but the extra cost is mitigated by the extra value added by eating the rind, which accounts for about 30% of each fruit’s weight.


Makes 600ml
350g organic (and fungicide-free) orange rinds
350g unrefined sugar


Cut the orange rinds into 3–5mm strips and put in a large pan. Cover with 900ml water and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the sugar and cook for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it begins to thicken. To test if it’s ready, put a teaspoon of marmalade on a cold plate and freeze for two minutes. Remove and push a line through the marmalade with a finger: if the marmalade is set, your finger will cut through cleanly. If it’s still thin and runny, boil for 10 minutes and repeat until it sets. Pour the hot marmalade into a sterilised jar, screw the lid on tightly and leave to cool before storing in a cool, dark spot.





marmalade /ˈmɑː.mə.leɪd/ (n): mứt cam, chanh,…

scented firelighter /ˈsen.tɪd/  /ˈfaɪəˌlaɪ.tər/ (n): nến thơm

severity /sɪˈver.ə.ti/ [C2] (n): sự nghiêm trọng

poignant /ˈpɔɪ.njənt/ (adj): cảm động, sâu sắc

barren /ˈbær.ən/ (adj): cằn cỗi, khô cằn

rind /raɪnd/ and zest /zest/ (n): vỏ cam, chanh…

frugal /ˈfruː.ɡəl/ (adj): chắt chiu, thanh đạm

rosemary /ˈrəʊz.mər.i/ (n): cây hương thảo

aromatic /ˌær.əˈmæt.ɪk/ (adj):  mùi thơm, dễ chịu

antibacterial /ˌæn.ti.bækˈtɪə.ri.əl/ (adj): kháng khuẩn

marble /ˈmɑː.bəl/ (n): đá cẩm thạch

stock up (phrasal verb): tích trữ

recipe /ˈres.ɪ.pi/ [B1] (n): công thức

neighbour /ˈneɪ.bər/ [B1] (n): hàng xóm, nước láng giềng

farther afield (idiom): khoảng cách xa

organic /ɔːˈɡæn.ɪk/ [B2] (adj): sạch, hữu cơ

inedible /ɪˈned.ə.bəl/ [C1] (adj): không ăn được

fungicide /ˈfʌŋ.ɡɪ.saɪd/ (n): thuốc diệt nấm

pesticide /ˈpes.tɪ.saɪd/ (n): thuốc trừ sâu

conventional /kənˈven.ʃən.əl/ [B2] (adj): thông thường

mitigate /ˈmɪt.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ (v): giảm, bù đắp

account for (phrasal verb): chiếm

unrefined /ˌʌn.rɪˈfaɪnd/ (adj): tự nhiên, không tinh chế

strip /strɪp/ [C1] (n): mảnh dài, mỏng

simmer /ˈsɪm.ər/ (v): đun sôi, nấu sôi

sterilize /ˈster.ɪ.laɪz/ (v): làm tiệt trùng


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Nội dung chuyển tiền: Ủng hộ Read to Lead
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