Thứ sáu, Tháng hai 7, 2025
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HomeSorted by levelB2 - Upper IntermediateYoung artists give Hanoi village a new coat of paint

Young artists give Hanoi village a new coat of paint

[Reading level: B1 – Intermediate]

Chu Xa Village, known for supplying vegetables and fruit to the capital city, has become a garden of murals.


The village has more than 20 paintings depicting nature as well as countryside life on its walls, adding considerably to its rural charm.


A painter paints colorful parakeets on one of the village’s walls. Six months ago, a group of seven young painters from several universities in Hanoi volunteered to decorate Chu Xa with murals.


Next to the fields, a shed where workers store their tools now sports a mural of children flying kites.


The village is well-known as a source of vegetables and fruits for Hanoi and surrounding provinces.


This mural of a green capsicum, a cabbage, two tomatoes and two dragonflies also features a small boy with a hairdo seen in traditional art.


Local authorities are hoping that such murals promote the homeland’s produce.

This mural depicts a vegetable stand from yesteryear.

The artists said it takes them three to four days to complete one vibrant mural. They also hope these will heighten people’s awareness of the need to protect the natural environment.

A portion of the largest painting in the village, showing verdant paddy fields. This painting was done on a “canvas” of 30-square-meters.


Locals have welcomed the project because it makes their village look better and attract more visitors.


Student artists plan to continue their work in the coming days.






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