[Reading level: B2 – Upper Intermediate]
Originating from Southeast Asia, durian is known as the “king of fruits” in several countries and is celebrated for its high nutritional content and health benefits.
Improving the digestive system
Durians are a rich source of nutrients, particularly fiber. A serving of 250 grams provides over 9 grams of fiber, meeting 33% of the daily fiber requirement, according to Health.com.
Fiber aids in digestive health by combating constipation, balancing the intestinal environment, and energizing beneficial bacteria to produce compounds known as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). These compounds help reduce intestinal inflammation and protect against diseases like colon cancer.
Enhancing cardiovascular health
Research indicates that durian fiber helps combat cardiovascular diseases.
Durians also contain fat, predominantly monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health. These fats help regulate cholesterol levels and may reduce the risk of heart disease. Important nutrients like magnesium and potassium in durians aid in blood pressure control, and folate helps regulate homocysteine levels, reducing inflammation and the risk of atherosclerosis, according to Parkway East Hospital.
Aiding in weight loss
Fiber in durians also promotes weight loss by helping individuals feel full longer after meals.
A study involving 345 people found fiber intake to be a key factor in managing body weight, independent of macronutrient composition and calorie count.
However, durian consumption should be moderated to one carpel per week, without adding sugar, milk, or other fatty foods. The fruit is best consumed as a mid-morning or afternoon snack to avoid fat accumulation.
Easing chronic conditions
Durians are high in vitamin C, which possesses antioxidant properties vital for immune function and may help prevent diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
They also contain plant-based protective compounds like flavonoids and carotenoids that shield cells from oxidative damage, which can lead to chronic illnesses. Notable flavonoids in durians, such as hesperidin, quercetin, and kaempferol, reduce the risk of diseases including heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Strengthening brain health
A diet rich in vitamin C has been shown to benefit brain health. Studies, including one involving 80 elderly individuals, demonstrated that higher blood levels of vitamin C correlate with improved memory, concentration, and decision-making skills.
Thus, consuming vitamin C-rich foods like durians can enhance brain function.
Source: https://e.vnexpress.net/news/life/wellness/5-health-benefits-of-durians-4758098.html
durian /ˈdʊr.i.ən/ (n): sầu riêng
celebrated /ˈsel.ə.breɪ.t̬ɪd/ (adj): được đánh giá cao
nutritional content /nuːˈtrɪʃ.ən.əl kənˈtent/ (n): hàm lượng dinh dưỡng
fiber /ˈfaɪ.bɚ/ (n): chất xơ
digestive /daɪˈdʒes.tɪv/ (adj): thuộc về tiêu hóa
combat sth /kəmˈbæt/ (v): chống lại cái gì
constipation /ˌkɑn·stəˈpeɪ·ʃən/ (n): táo bón
intestinal /ˌɪnˈtes.tɪn.əl/ (adj): thuộc về ruột
compound /ˈkɑːm.paʊnd/ (n): hợp chất
short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) (n): axit béo chuỗi ngắn
inflammation /ˌɪn·fləˈmeɪ·ʃən/ (n): viêm
colon cancer /ˈkoʊ.lən ˈkæn.sɚ/ (n): ung thư đại tràng
cardiovascular /ˌkɑːr.di.oʊˈvæs.kjə.lɚ/ (adj): thuộc về tim mạch
monounsaturated /ˌmɑː.noʊ.ʌnˈsætʃ.ə.reɪ.t̬ɪd/ (adj): bão hòa đơn
regulate sth /ˈreɡ.jə.leɪt/ (v): điều hòa
magnesium /mæɡˈniː.zi.əm/ (n): magie
potassium /pəˈtæs.i.əm/ (n): kali
atherosclerosis /ˌæθ.ə.roʊ.skləˈroʊ.sɪs/ (n): xơ vữa động mạch
intake /ˈɪn.teɪk/ (n): sự tiêu thụ, mức tiêu thụ
macronutrient /ˌmæk.roʊˈnuː.tri.ənt/ (adj): dinh dưỡng đa lượng
composition /ˌkɑːm.pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ (n): thành phần
carpel /ˈkɑːr.pel/ (n): múi (sầu riêng)
accumulation /əˌkjum·jəˈleɪ·ʃən/ (n): tích tụ
antioxidant /ˌæn.t̬iˈɑːk.sɪ.dənt/ (adj, n): chống oxy hóa, chất chống oxy hóa
vital /ˈvaɪ.t̬əl/ (adj): quan trọng
immune /ɪˈmjuːn/ (adj): miễn dịch
oxidative damage (n): tổn thương oxy hóa
chronic /ˈkrɑː.nɪk/ [C2] (adj): mãn tính
correlate with sth /ˈkɔːr.ə.leɪt/ (v): có liên quan đến cái gì
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