Thứ sáu, Tháng hai 7, 2025
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Committing to posterity a time when time stood still

[Reading level: B2 – Upper Intermediate]

Duong Lam Village is a living daily life museum with a lifestyle that has remained virtually unchanged for centuries. A bewitched Hanoian captures its images for posterity.


Tran Quoc Trung said he was motivated to make this collection by fear that Duong Lam Village would become a victim of modern urbanization in the near future.


The village, about 45 kilometers west of downtown Hanoi, still preserves many of its historical and cultural features. It boasts 956 ancient houses, including those built in 1649, 1703 and around 1850.


Though there are many entrances to the village, the Mong Phu Gate remains a popular starting point for tourists. This is reportedly the only ancient village gate left intact in northern Vietnam.


The Mong Phu communal house is the heart of the village and village life. Legend has it that it was built on the forehead of a dragon in 1684 under the reign of King Le Hien Tong in the shape of a capital “I.” The stately building hosts public events, festivities and meetings.


Amongst tens of thousands of Vietnamese villages, Duong Lam is the first to be recognized as a national architectural heritage site.


An elderly woman tosses rice on a flat bamboo basket to remove tailings from rice grains. – Một người phụ nữ lớn tuổi sàng gạo trên chiếc thúng bằng tre để loại bỏ sạn.

In Duong Lam, most young people have moved to big cities and industrial hubs to earn their living, while the older villagers stay at home and live mainly on rice cultivation.


Old women in the village still preserve the long-standing custom of chewing betel with areca nuts. – Các cụ già trong làng vẫn lưu giữ phong tục ăn trầu cau lâu đời.

In Vietnam, the custom of offering betel and areca is said to date back to the reign of the Hung Kings. It is associated with the “Legend of Betel and Areca” about a wife’s fidelity to her husband and the love between two twin brothers; therefore, the custom symbolizes love, brotherhood, family, and happiness.


Younger Vietnamese no longer chew betel and it is a habit dying out.


An elderly couple prepare to make soy sauce, a skill that has been passed through generations. – Một cặp vợ chồng già chuẩn bị làm nước tương, một kỹ thuật đã được truyền qua nhiều thế hệ.

In the past every household in the village used to make and store jars of soy sauce to use all year round. Today they also sell the condiment to outsiders.


It is made with glutinous rice, salt, soybean and water. The villagers say the sauce is especially delicious if made with rainwater.


The villagers always make their soy sauce in May and June thanks to favorable weather conditions. – Người dân làm tương vào tháng 5 và tháng 6 nhờ thời tiết thuận lợi.

The villagers always make their soy sauce in May and June thanks to favorable weather conditions.


Women or men stirring huge earthen cauldrons containing tuong are a common sight. Tuong is a popular dipping sauce in northern Vietnamese countryside and is also used as a condiment for cooking.


Villagers are at their busiest during the rice harvest season. – Người dân trong làng đang trong thời điểm bận rộn nhất vào mùa thu hoạch lúa.



posterity /pɒsˈter.ə.ti/ (n): hậu thế

virtually /ˈvɜː.tʃu.ə.li/ [B2] (adv): hầu như

bewitched  /bɪˈwɪtʃt/ (adj): say mê

urbanization /ˌɜː.bən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (n): quá trình đô thị hóa

preserve  /prɪˈzɜːv/ [B2] (v): lưu giữ, giữ gìn

boast /bəʊst/ [B2] (v): tự hào, kiêu hãnh

reportedly  /rɪˈpɔː.tɪ [C2] (adv): được cho là

intact  /ɪnˈtækt/ [C2] (adj): còn nguyên vẹn

communal house /ˈkɒm.jə.nəl  haʊs/ (n): đình làng

reign /reɪn/ [C2] (n): triều đại

stately /ˈsteɪ (adj): trang nghiêm

hub /hʌb/ (n): trung tâm

cultivation  /ˌkʌl.tɪˈveɪ.ʃən/ [C1] (n): sự trồng trọt, cày cấy

betel and areca /ˈbiː.təl/  /ə.ˈri.kə/ : trầu và cau

date back to (PhrV): đã có từ bao giờ

associate /əˈsəʊ.si.eɪt/ [C1] (v): gắn liền, liên kết

fidelity /fɪˈdel.ə.ti/ (n): lòng chung thủy

brotherhood /ˈbrʌð.ə.hʊd/ (n): tình anh em

chew /tʃuː/ [B2] (v): nhai

die out (PhrV): mai một dần, chết dần

condiment  /ˈkɒn.dɪ.mənt/ (n): gia vị

outsider  /ˌaʊtˈsaɪ.dər/ (n): người ngoài

glutinous rice /ˈɡluː.tɪ.nəs  raɪs/ (n): gạo nếp

soybean  /ˈsɔɪ.biːn/ (n): đậu nành

favorable /ˈfeɪ.vər.ə.bəl/ (adj): thuận lợi

earthen /ˈɜː.θən/ (adj): bằng đất

cauldron /ˈkɔːl.drən/ (n): vạc (để nấu)


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