Since I’m one of the old guys, I won’t tell you what to do with this power that rests in your hands. But I’ll leave you with three quick pieces of advice.
First, don’t be afraid. America has gone through tough times before, slavery, civil war, famine, disease, the Great Depression, and 911. And each time we came out stronger, usually because a new generation, young people like you, learned from past mistakes and figured out how to make things better.
Second, do what you think is right. Doing what feels good, what’s convenient, what’s easy. That’s how little kids think. Unfortunately, a lot of so-called grown-ups, including some with fancy titles and important jobs, still think that way, which is why things are so screwed up. I hope that instead, you decide to ground yourself in values that lasts, like honesty, hard work, responsibility, fairness, generosity, respect for others. You won’t get it right every time. You’ll make mistakes, like we all do. But if you listen to the truth that’s inside yourself, even when it’s hard, even when it’s inconvenient. People will notice. They’ll gravitate towards you and you’ll be part of the solution, instead of part of the problem.
And finally, build a community. No one does big things by themselves. Right now, when people are scared, it’s easy to be cynical and say “let me just look out for myself” or “my family” or “people who look or think or pray like me,” but if we’re gonna get through these difficult times, if we’re gonna create a world where everybody has opportunity to find a job, and afford college, if we’re gonna save the environment, and defeat future pandemics, then we’re gonna have to do it together.
So be alive to one another’s struggles, stand up for one another’s rights, leave behind all the old ways of thinking that divide us – sexism, racial prejudice, status greed – and set the world on a different path. When you need help, Michelle and I have made it the mission of our foundation to give young people like you the skills and support to lead in your own communities and to connect you with other young leaders around the country and around the globe.
But the truth is you don’t need us to tell you what to do because in so many ways you’ve already started to lead.
Source: The Independent
piece of advice (n): lời khuyên
tough time /tʌf taɪm/ (n): thời kỳ khó khăn
slavery /ˈsleɪ.vər.i/ [C1] (n): chế độ nô lệ
civil war /ˌsɪv.əl ˈwɔːr/ (n): nội chiến
famine /ˈfæm.ɪn/ [C2] (n): nạn đói
the Great Depression /ˌɡreɪt dɪˈpreʃ.ən/ (n): cuộc Đại suy thoái (năm 1929)
the so-called /ˌsəʊˈkɔːld/ [B2] (expression): thứ được gọi là
grown-up /ˌɡrəʊn ˈʌp/ [B2] (n): người trưởng thành
fancy /ˈfæ (adj): đắt, ngon, đẹp
title /ˈtaɪ.təl/ (n): danh hiệu, chức danh
screw sth up /skru/ (v): làm cái gì rối tung lên, làm cái gì trở nên tồi tệ, làm hỏng
honesty /ˈɒn.ə.sti/ (n): sự trung thực
fairness /ˈfeə.nəs/ [C1] (n): công bằng
generosity /ˌdʒen.əˈrɒs.ə.ti/ [B2] (n): sự rộng lượng
gravitate towards sth/sb /ˈɡræv.ə.teɪt/ (v): bị hút về phía ai/cái gì
cynical /ˈsɪn.ɪ.kəl/ [C2] (adj): nghĩ rằng người khác chỉ lo cho bản thân họ
afford /əˈfɔːd/ [B1] (v): có đủ khả năng chi trả cho cái gì
pandemic /pænˈdem.ɪk/ (n): đại dịch
struggle /ˈstrʌɡ.əl/ [B2] (n): khó khăn
one another /ˌwʌn əˈnʌð.ər/ (pronoun): lẫn nhau
rights /rɑɪts/ (n): quyền
sexism /ˈsek.sɪ.zəm/ (n): chủ nghĩa phân biệt giới tính
racial /ˈreɪ.ʃəl/ [B2] (adj): thuộc về chủng tộc
prejudice /ˈpredʒ.ə.dɪs/ [B2] (n): định kiến
status /ˈsteɪ.təs/ [C1] (n): địa vị
greed /ɡriːd/ [C1] (n): sự tham lam
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