Thứ sáu, Tháng hai 7, 2025
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HomeSorted by levelB2 - Upper IntermediateAzadi Square (Azadi Tower) - the world's largest roundabout

Azadi Square (Azadi Tower) – the world’s largest roundabout

[Reading level: B2 – Upper Intermediate]

Azadi Square, formerly known as Shahyad Square, is a mainly green city square in Tehran. This structure was constructed in the year 1350 (1971), during the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in west of Tehran on a piece of land with an area of 50,000 sq. m. At the same time a museum had also been constructed in the same building. The basement of the tower encompasses 400 sq. m. and the tower is 45 m. high from ground level.


It has an area of about 50,000 sq. m, plus adjacent areas and has a very large roundabout within its main confines. It is the largest square in Tehran and the second largest in Iran, being smaller than Azerbaijan Square in Tabriz. The 50 m tower is in the center of the square. The design of the tower and the surrounding area is an archetype of Iranian-Islamic architecture and aesthetic geometry. The fountain is inspired by Iranian gardens, and the slope of the square was carefully and purposefully designed, assisting with efficient irrigation.




formerly /ˈfɔːrmərli/ [B2] (adv): trước đây

reign /reɪn/ [C1] (n): thời trị vì

encompass /ɪnˈkʌmpəs/ [C1] (v): bao trùm

adjacent /əˈdʒeɪsnt/ [C1] (adj): lân cận

confine /kənˈfaɪn/ [C1] (n): ranh giới

secluded /səˈkluː.dɪd/ [C2] (adj): hẻo lánh

basement /ˈbeɪs.mənt/ [B2] (n): tầng hầm

roundabout /ˈraʊnd.ə.baʊt/ (n): bùng binh, vòng xuyến

archetype /ˈɑː.kɪ.taɪp/ (n): nguyên mẫu

aesthetic /esˈθet.ɪk/ (adj): thuộc về thẩm mỹ

geometry /dʒiˈɒm.ə.tri/ (n): hình học

irrigation /ˈɪr.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ (n): tưới tiêu


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